The Eglingham Parish Neighbourhood Plan

Regulation 14 Consultation


Introductory Documentation

Introductory Leaflet

The ENP Overarching Background Document

The Eglingham Neighbourhood Plan

The Eglingham Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 14 Consultation Draft - See also 2.1 below

Documents referred to in the Overarching Background Document

1.1 - Background Paper to the initial 2019 consultation

1.2 - Summary of views in response to that initial consultation

2.1 - ‘The Eglingham Neighbourhood Plan’ - Regulation 14 Draft

2.2 - ‘The Eglingham Neighbourhood Plan’ - Policies map

A1 - Inset Maps inc. Designations & Settlement Boundaries for the villages of:


South Charlton

A2 - ‘Settlement Boundary Methodology and Background Report Eglingham Neighbourhood Plan’

B - ‘Eglingham Parish Design Code (June 2020)’ - Prepared by AECOM

C - ‘Eglingham Conservation Area Character Appraisal’ - See also supporting photographs at E4

D - ‘Local Greenspace: Methodology and Background Report (February 2023)’ - LGS: 1-6 – at S. Charlton. 7-21 at Eglingham

E1 - Eglingham Parish Neighbourhood Plan Landscape Assessment Final Report’  - Alison Farmer Associates May 2021 (updated January 2022) - ‘The ENP Study’

E2 - ‘Northumberland Sandstone Ridges and Vales A Valued Landscape - Alison Farmer Associates Technical Report January 2022’ - ‘The Wider Study’

E3 - Important views divided between those relevant, respectively, to policies 3 and 5 - See also supporting photographs at E4

E4 - Supporting Photographs

E5 - ‘Assessment of the Extent to which Existing Onshore Wind Developments in Northumberland have been Successfully Accommodated into the Landscape - Main Report and Findings, May 2015’ - Bayou Bluenvironment and The Planning and Environment Studio. - This study was commissioned by NCC and is referenced by Alison Farmer Associates in their above work at E1 and E2

F - Non-designated heritage assets and ‘justifications’ for inclusion on the list and NDHA Map

G - Assets of community value and community facilities

H1 - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for The Eglingham Neighbourhood Plan - Environmental Report March 2022 (AECOM)’

H2 - ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for The Eglingham Neighbourhood Plan - Environmental Report December 2022 (AECOM)’ - Update

H3 - NCC’s Habitats Regulations Assessment - To follow – NCC has advised that the HRA’s absence will not impede the Reg.14 Consultation